ITS Finland

Intelligent Transportation Society of Finland – ITS Finland is a forum which brings together representatives from various areas of business, education, and government to work for the digitalisation of transportation and mobility.

Intelligent Transport Network – ITS Finland association

ITS comes from the words Intelligent Transport Systems and Services. Intelligent transportation methods and services are at the core of our operations.

ITS Finland ry is a non-profit and non-profit-seeking association. The purpose of the association is to promote the implementation and business conditions of intelligent and sustainable transportation and logistics services, as well as to make known the societal impact of digitalization’s toolset in improving the safety, fluidity, efficiency, and environmental friendliness of the entire transportation system.

The association promotes the growth and internationalization of intelligent and sustainable business in the industry. It serves as a cooperation forum and expert network for the development of intelligent transportation.

ITS Finland is an active international player and part of the European ITS Nationals network. We bring together our network in the Nordic and Baltic countries and together form the globally recognized ITS Nordic+ network.


Future of Transportation Network

ITS Finland promotes a digital and sustainable transportation system and customer-oriented mobility and transportation services across all modes of transportation by networking, communicating, and influencing in Finland with the power of its extensive network of experts.

From low-smart transportation to low-carbon smart transport.

ITS Finland’s activities include societal influence and improving the business conditions of the sector. We actively communicate about the development and impact of intelligent transportation, organize seminars in the field, and participate in the development work of the sector, for example, in various working and steering groups. We also build and utilize an international network of contacts and promote international cooperation.

ITS Finland is a non-profit association founded in 2006. Since the beginning of 2020 ITS Factory has been the local ITS Finland chapter in Tampere. The association’s statutes can be found in here (in fin🇫🇮).

Vision & Mission

Sustainability and user-friendliness as cornerstones

Our vision is a sustainable and user-oriented transportation system that enables smooth daily living and efficient business operations. At the same time, it creates growth and competitiveness for Finland and Finnish actors.

Our mission is to promote the widespread adoption of intelligent transportation solutions, the digitalization of transport, and the development of services to improve the safety, fluidity, efficiency, and environmental friendliness of transportation. Simultaneously, we work to ensure that new innovations, businesses, jobs, and business opportunities are created for the Finnish transportation sector.

The tasks related to the realization of the association’s purpose are recorded in the association’s bylaws. To manage these tasks, the association activates its members for cooperation, agrees on necessary resources, and organizes required projects. The basis of the operation is open collaboration, activity, and expertise.

Only through cooperation can we find solutions to the challenges of the transportation system.

ITS Finland membership

Driven by passion. Our membership includes 110 transportation sector actors in Finland.

As a member, we offer you access to our association’s activities and events. We actively create connections between public and private sector actors in the field, both in Finland and internationally – as a member, you have the opportunity to meet new partners and clients and make your voice heard as part of Finland’s most comprehensive expert network in the transportation sector.