DigiLog 2023


DigiLog 19.1.2023, 12:00-16:00 EET Venue Botta, Banquet hall, 2nd floor, Museokatu 10, Helsinki 00100


Register: DigiLog 19.1.2023,
12:00-16:00 EET
Venue Botta, Banquet hall, 2nd floor, Museokatu 10, Helsinki

CaaS Nordic association and ITS Finland in collaboration with many other actors in the transport and logistics sector are organizing a seminar about the digitalization and disruption in the logistics operating environment. In the event speakers will explain their recent development actions and plans how they intend to improve efficiency, raise profitability and cut down emissions with digitalization. The event gathers together logistics subscribers, service providers, authorities and developer communities from Finland and the Baltics.

The event will be held primarily in the Botta Ballroom in Helsinki, but a remote connection will also be arranged. During the event we have: keynote speeches, authority insights from Finland and Estonia, as well as presentations from industry representatives. The presentations will be followed up with a panel discussion, which ends on a cocktail party for networking.

Registration has closed.

Watch Live Streem from our Youtub Channel:

All those who have registered for the event will receive a notification email of the event in the morning of 19.1. and an online link to the ITS Finland youtube channel for the live stream.

Conference Programme

Moderator, Noora Lähde, The Finnish Ministry of Transport and Communications


Coffee will be served for those arriving at the Botta
12:00   Jarkko Rantala, CaaS Nordic & Marko Forsblom, ITS Finland

Keynote speakers

12:10   Improving customer experience in steel industry with Track&Trace, Niko Korte, SSAB
12:25   Adjusting to New Normal: the impact of Covid-19 and Russian war in Ukraine on logistics and supply chains, Tomi Solakivi, Turku
12:40   Finnish-Estonian sea connection – lifeline for Finnish economy, Ulla Tapaninen, Tallinn Technical University

Authority view

12:55   The digital leap in logistics – an opportunity for billions, Maria Rautavirta, LVM
13:05   Real time economy project, Eva Killar, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications for Estonia
13:15   Ecosystem work and digital services for logistics, Janne Lautanala, Fintraffic

Industry outlook

13:25   New innovations in logistics, Karno Tenovuo, Awake.ai
13:40   Changes in critical transport flows in Finland, Riku Huhta, Destia

Coffee break


Industry outlook

14:30   Intermodal Hub connecting Finland with Europe and Black Sea, Andres Uusoja, HHLA
14:40   Ship-Train transportation/train ferry, Hannu Hernesniemi, Fennorail
14:50   Fact Wallet, Tomi Dahlberg, DBE Core
15:00   DIGINNO, Ulrika Hurt, Digilogistika Keskus   

Panel discussion

15:20 – 15:50

  • Vedia/CaaS Nordic, Matti Lankinen
  • SSAB, Niko Korte
  • Ahola Transport, Hans Ahola
  • HHLA, Andres Uusoja
  • Tulli, Sami Rakshit
  • Kuusakoski, Petri Kontulainen

Summary and closing

15:50 Noora Lähde, The Finnish Ministry of Transport and Communications

Cocktails & Networking


Event place Botta

Ostrobotnia (more commonly known as ”Botta”) is a building managed by the University of Helsinki’s Nordic departments in the Etu-Töölö area of Helsinki, near the National Museum. The street address of the building is Museokatu 10 (or Töölönkatu 3).


LOGY, Fintraffic, Lumova

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