Imagine Metaverse, Tampere 11.-12.6.2024

11 – 12.6.2024
Suomi, Seminaari

Incredible Two Days at Imagine Metaverse in Tampere! We had the pleasure of experiencing two truly amazing days at Imagine the metaverse in Tampereen kaupunki – City of Tampere, filled with innovation, collaboration, and exciting advancements in smart transportation. A massive thank you to our partners ITS Factory, Connekt, Latvian IT Cluster / DIH, ITS…

Imagine the metaverse, June 11-12, 2024
Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre

Incredible Two Days at Imagine Metaverse in Tampere!

We had the pleasure of experiencing two truly amazing days at Imagine the metaverse in Tampereen kaupunki – City of Tampere, filled with innovation, collaboration, and exciting advancements in smart transportation.

A massive thank you to our partners ITS Factory, Connekt, Latvian IT Cluster / DIH, ITS Estonia and ITS Norway for joining us and making this visit a memorable one. Your participation and enthusiasm significantly contributed to the success of our discussions and the exploration of future possibilities.

Special applause goes to our dedicated partners at the stand: Sitowise, Tampereen Raitiotie Oy/ Tampere Tramway Ltd., Business Tampere, and GEOFORE.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Business Tampere, Tampereen Raitiotie Oy, and VTT for hosting the incredible ride of the Škoda Group’s automated tram at the ’Lyyli Living Lab.’ Witnessing the seamless operation of this automated tram was a highlight, showcasing the potential of automated systems in urban transport.

A special thank you and bow to the ITS Finland Board for your unwavering support and dedication.
And a special mention to Raine Hautala from VTT, who was honored with the Order of the President of the Republic of Finland.
Your leadership and contributions to the field of intelligent transport are truly impressive.

Together, we are driving forward innovation in mobility and creating a future where transportation is smarter, more connected, and sustainable.
Let’s continue to build on this momentum and forge new paths in the world of intelligent transport systems.

ITS Finland osallituu omalla standilla tapahtumaan

Tervetuloa Imagine 2024 -tapahtumaan . Tapahtuma järjestetään 11.-12.6.2024 Tampereen Messu ja Urheilukeskuksessa. Tapahtumassa voit tutustua uusimpiin innovaatioihin, ratkaisuihin ja palveluihin, jotka muokkaavat älyliikenteen ja -kaupunkien alaa.

ITS Finland, Tampereen Raitiotie, Business Tampere ja ITS Factory on mukana tapahtumassa omalla osastollaan, jossa esittelemme jäsenyritystemme tuotteita ja osaamista. Tule tapaamaan meitä ja kuulemaan, mitä kaikkea teemme älyliikenteen edistämiseksi Suomessa ja kansainvälisesti.

Mikäli haluat mukaan messuille esittämään omia ratkaisujasi, jäsenille on tarjolla tilaa siihen mahdollisuus. Yhteiseen näyttöön on mahdollista saada oma noin 30-60 sekunnin esittelyvideo pyörimään videokaruselliin. Mikäli haluat tulla mukaan esittelemään yrityksesi tuotteita osastolle, ole yhteydessä

9.00-16.00Imagine Metavere at Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre
9.30-12.00 Site visit
Startup Tampere Showcase 2024 event ( Event Info & sign up tickets)
@ Platform6 (location address) free entrence.
This is an official side event of “Imagine the Metaverse” 2024 showcasing
Tampere as a centre for digital innovation and development.
13.15-13.45Travel time to Tampere Exhibition and Sport Centre
14.00-16.00Stage: Industrial & Experience
Smart Mobility Track: Autonomous, Remote Control and Digital Twins
14.00-14.20Autonomous vehicle: from vision to the reality
Horáček Jiří, Director of Sales and Marketing, Skodagroup
Read more
14.20-14.40Common Cockpit Concept –
Metaverse for remote operation of automated fleets
Markku Kivinen, Business Development Manager, VTT
Read more
14.40-15.00Anticipating people & traffic flows –
award winning solution for visitor experience and business vitality
Jari Kuusisto, Product Manager, Smart Cities, Wapice Ltd
Read more
15.00-15.20Navigating with Remote-Controlled Autonomous vehicles
Mika Rytkönen, Chairman and CBO, Remoted Ltd
Read more
15.20-15.40Evolution towards a Metaverse City –
use cases and future development avenues of city model and city digital twin
Jarkko Männistö, Service Manager, Sitowise Oy
Read more
16.00-17:00 ITS Finland stand
Imagine Metaverse 2024 event at ITS Finland, ITS Factory, Business Tampere & RTO.
Stand Match making and presentations & meet up with Nordic+, Connekt and Los Angeles delegations. Kuohuvaa tarjolla.
18.30Tampere City cocktail reception with the Mayor (by invitation only)

Ohjelma keskiviikko 12.6.2024

9.00 – 15.00Imagine Metavere at Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre program
09.00 – 11.00 Site visit
Visit 1 Tram Depot-Test tram lyyli, Tram simulator (Hervanta) 
11.00 – 12.00 Site visit
City Centre + Nokia Areena Tour TBC

Imagime Metaverse 2024 tapahtuman

Imagine the Metaverse -tapahtumassa pääset kurkistamaan ideoihin ja mahdollisuuksiin, jotka johdattavat mahdollisen äärelle. Tule poimimaan innostavimmat keynote-puheenvuorot ja tutustu mielenkiinoisiiin näytteilleasettajiin – osallistuminen on maksutonta!

Imagine the Metaverse kokoaa yhteen tulevaisuuteen kurkistavat ajattelijat ja ideat, sekä maalaa maiseman siitä, mikä on mahdollista. Lue lisää tapahtuman ohjelmasta.

Immerse yourself in the metaverse revolution

Imagine Metaverse event brings together those who are ready to catch a glimpse of the unseen.

Elevate Industrial Excellence

Unlock the potential of groundbreaking metaverse technology, reshaping industrial processes, and optimizing efficiency. Join us to discover how the metaverse propels your operations into a new era of innovation. Navigate the future and explore how the metaverse becomes your strategic ally in revolutionizing industrial landscapes.

Elevate Urban Collaboration

Forge Alliances for Urban Innovation. Discover how cities can strategically collaborate with technology companies, research institutions, and other stakeholders, advancing the ethical use of data and technologies. Dive deep into the discussion on how cities can develop a responsible, ethical, and sustainable digital future with humans at the core.

Elevate Experience Economy

Crafting Experiential Landscapes: This is your gateway to shaping the experience economy’s future. Learn how the metaverse redefines entertainment, creating immersive worlds that captivate and transform. Join us in crafting landscapes where creativity knows no bounds, and innovation defines the future. Join Imagine Metaverse to engage with industry leaders, visionaries, and innovators, forging collaborations beyond boundaries.

Elevate Smart Innovations

Redefine Tech Horizons: Chart new territories in the business at Imagine Metaverse, where tech titans from the world’s largest corporations converge to unlock the next frontier. Immerse in innovative showcases, absorb strategic keynotes, and explore a dynamic booth area, all while cultivating collaborations and maximizing your corporate visibility on a global scale.


We are in the middle of a transition into a new era – the metaverse. And by this, we don’t mean a separate virtual environment, but rather a new digitally infused world that seamlessly integrates into our businesses, culture, and relationships.

Imagine the Metaverse is for not yet overcooked visionaries and leaders.

Contact info

Tampere Trade Fairs Ltd
Sami Siurola
+358 40 734 3589

City of Tampere
Tiia Joki
+358 400 636 838

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