Maritime ITS Seminar and Workshop Retrospective

Suomi, Yleinen

Maritime ITS event was a great example of international Nordic+ cooperation At the end of this article you will find first day seminar’s video recording of the event, a photo gallery and the pdf versions of the presentations from the link in the presentation titles. Fintraffic’s Olli Soininen one of the organisers of Maritime ITS,…

Maritime ITS artikkelikuva

Maritime ITS event was a great example of international Nordic+ cooperation

At the end of this article you will find first day seminar’s video recording of the event, a photo gallery and the pdf versions of the presentations from the link in the presentation titles.

Fintraffic’s Olli Soininen one of the organisers of Maritime ITS, summed up the event well in his article ”Maritime ITS Nordic+ Seminar & Workshop Retrospective from last week in Helsinki”. We quote Olli’s article and you can read the original LinkedIn post here.

Throwback to the thought-awakening Maritime ITS Seminar where we brought together industry experts, government authorities, and private businesses to discuss key topics like maritime standardisation, sustainability, maritime communication, multimodality, and the role of ITS Maritime as a bridge builder between safety-focused authorities and efficiency-driven private businesses.

Standardisation emerged as a crucial theme, highlighting the need for global frameworks and regulations to streamline operations, ensure safety, and promote sustainable growth in the maritime industry. By working collaboratively, we can accelerate standard adaptation that benefit all stakeholders.

Sustainability was at the forefront of discussions, with a focus on innovative solutions to minimize environmental impact and promote eco-friendly maritime practices. Together, we can through digitalization optimize operational efficiency, and reduce emissions for a
greener future.

Maritime communication and AIS 2.0 were discussed, emphasizing their importance in ensuring safer and more efficient navigation. The next-generation AIS 2.0, with its real-time data sharing, and improved communication, is in position to be a key enabler in the S-100 shore-to-ship and ship-to-ship data sharing.

The event also delved into multimodality, emphasizing the need for seamless integration of various transport modes to optimize the entire supply chain. By leveraging digital technologies and data-driven solutions, we can enable smooth transitions between different transport modes, increasing efficiency and reducing carbon footprints.

The role of ITS Maritime as a possible bridge builder was discussed during the event. By fostering collaboration between safety-focused authorities and efficiency-driven private businesses, ITS Maritime facilitates innovation and synergistic growth within the sector.

A huge thank you to all the speakers, participants, and to the Nordic+ ITS team for an inspiring and engaging event!

Olli Soininen, Fintraffic

Maritime ITS April 19th 2023

Moderator: Jenny Simonsen, COO, ITS Norway
Welcome by Karri Salminen, Chair of ITS Finland, ITS Finland

Session -1 Interoperability and sustainability

Session – 2 Digitalisation

Session – 3 Future

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