DigiLog 2023 seminar packed the Botta’s Ballroom

Suomi, Uutinen

The DigiLog 2023 seminar was held for the first time 19.1.2023. Event was hosted by ITS Finland and CaaS Nordic associations with partners Fintraffic, LIMOWA and LOGY. The seminar brought together authorities and companies from several countries with a common interest in improving logistics efficiency. The excellent speakers at the event had put together interesting…

DigiLog 2023 tallenne

The DigiLog 2023 seminar was held for the first time 19.1.2023. Event was hosted by ITS Finland and CaaS Nordic associations with partners Fintraffic, LIMOWA and LOGY.

The seminar brought together authorities and companies from several countries with a common interest in improving logistics efficiency.

The excellent speakers at the event had put together interesting and topical themes for their presentations. Digitalisation, sustainability and the changing environment in which logistics operates are the leitmotiv of all the presentations.

Each speaker’s own live presentation (video) is linked from the link in the speaker’s name. The title of the presentation contains a link to the pdf.

Moderator of the seminar

Noora Lähde, The Finnish Ministry of Transport and Communications(video)

Opening words

Jarkko Rantala, CaaS Nordic(video) & Marko Forsblom, ITS Finland(video)

Keynote speakers

Authority view

Industry outlook 

Panel discussion (video)

  • Matti Lankinen, Vedia/CaaS Nordic
  • SSAB, Niko Korte
  • Ahola Transport, Hans Ahola
  • HHLA, Andres Uusoja
  • Tulli, Sami Rakshit
  • Kuusakoski, Petri Kontulainen

Summary and closing

Noora Lähde, The Finnish Ministry of Transport and Communications(video)

Cocktails & networking

After the formal part of the event, it was time for important networking. Once again the power of physical events was demonstrated, with discussions between participants continuing well into the evening.

A big bow and thanks to everyone who participated on the seminar, behalf of ITS Finland and CaaS Nordic.

Many thanks also to the supporting partners LIMOWA, LOGY and Fintraffic.

Read excellent blog where you can find Lasse Nykänen and Matti Lankinen thoughts from the seminar (CaaS Nordic website).

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